As a Partner Teacher, you have made a commitment to ensure our city’s underserved communities have access to the talented teachers our students deserve. We will provide you with resources to help you secure a job, including:
NYC Department of Education networking events
There will be a number of borough-specific and citywide networking events throughout the spring and summer. Events will be both in-person and virtual. PTs searching for positions in the Bronx will also be invited to early hiring events that include schools from across the Bronx in the spring.
School tours
School tours are an excellent way to connect with hiring representatives and learn more about a wide range of school communities. The NYC Department of Education will host school tours throughout the spring.
Job Search Guide
This guide contains important information regarding the job search process for Partner Teachers along with interview support, resume templates, and guidance on how to accept an offer.
Access to the NYC Department of Education New Teacher Finder
New Teacher Finder is a platform on which your resume will be made available to principals looking to hire and you can search for available positions. Additional information regarding the New Teacher Finder will be sent to PTs directly. Do not complete the New Teacher Application until you receive instructions from us.
Referrals to principals and hiring representatives via resume sharing
The Staffing Success Team shares your resume with principals at eligible schools with vacancies in your subject area.
Vacancy lists that include information about available positions at underserved schools.
These lists will be sent regularly, beginning once you have passed PST. Lists will only include positions at schools where PTs are eligible to accept positions.
Please note that our program will help navigate the school hiring process but Partner Teachers are ultimately responsible for securing their own teaching position in their assigned subject area. The resources above are subject to change.