There are a few things that you need to do to prepare for your Selection Day event. This guide will go in-depth about the Teaching Sample Planning Form and resources you will need to consider as you create your Teaching Sample Lesson. Below is a checklist of items that you should complete in order to help you be successful.
Review the first three sections of this guide: “What to Expect During Selection Day,” “Overview of Selection Day Activities” and “Materials Needed for Selection Day.” We know that candidates perform better if they know what to expect during the Selection Day event. Familiarize yourself with the flow of the day so that you can plan in advance and feel prepared.
Prepare a Teaching Sample: You will teach a five-minute lesson at your Selection Day event. Your lesson will be based on an objective chosen from this list, Teaching Sample Lesson Objectives (see pages 22-24). Your objective MUST align with the tentative subject area assignment you received when invited to Selection Day. You cannot teach a lesson of your choice if it does not appear on the Teaching Sample Lesson Objectives list.
Download Zoom Software: Zoom can be used on a variety of operating systems such as Windows, Mac, Chrome OS (Chromebooks), Android, and iOS. We recommend that you visit the Getting Started section of to familiarize yourself with system requirements and how the software works. Please be sure to have the most up to date version of zoom installed.
Pre-read for the Group Activity: You will participate in a group activity that will teach you a new teaching skill. In order to get the most out of this activity, please read this excerpt about “What To Do” directions from the book Teach Like a Champion.
Create a Quiet Interview Space: It is important to find a quiet space for the entire duration of your virtual interview. Please allow ample time for setting up your workspace, testing your webcam, microphone, and confirming that you are in a location with a strong internet connection. We also advise that you practice your interview on Zoom or a similar format so you feel prepared and ready for your virtual interview.