Please follow these steps to ensure success in uploading your transcript:
1. Sign in to your application and go to the Education task.
2. Locate the ‘Loading your transcripts’ question in the beginning of this section.
3. Click the gray ‘Upload a File’ button. A window titled, ‘Manage Uploads,’ will pop up that allows you to select a file.
4. A window will appear that will allow you to locate your transcript file on your computer hard drive.
Click on the image below to find a video on how to upload your transcript
5. Click on the transcript file you want to upload. It will become highlighted.
6. Click on the ‘Open’ button in the lower right corner of the window to submit the
selected file.
7. When your transcript is ready to be uploaded into our system, the file name will appear above the heading ‘Upload Another File’ button.
8. Complete Steps 3 – 7 for your undergraduate transcript, international degree course-by-course evaluation (if required), transfer transcript (if required) and graduate transcript (if required).
9. All transcripts that have been properly uploaded into your application will now appear on the Education page.
9. Complete the remaining questions in the section then scroll to the bottom of the Education task and click 'Save & Continue Editing’ to hold your work or select ‘Mark as Complete’ if you are ready to move forward.