What is Biology Immersion (Grades 7-12)?
The Biology Immersion program provides candidates who have a deep interest in teaching biology but do not have a degree in biology with the opportunity to become full-time science teachers in the NYC public schools. These candidates must possess strong biology content knowledge and a minimum number of college science credits. The Biology Immersion program provides additional science coursework and the practical training needed to excel as a teacher. The program also helps candidates earn the total of 30 credits in science that are required to become a certified biology teacher in New York State.
Meet Catherine, Biology Teacher (Grades 7-12), NYCTC Lead Coach & NYCTC Ambassador
What brought me to the NYC Teaching Collaborative: I am an alumni of NYCTF!
I currently work in Manhattan.
My certification area is Chemistry (Grades 7-12).
I am a Lead Coach and Ambassador for the New York City Teaching Collaborative.
I graduated from City College with a degree in Chemistry (Grades 7-12). While this university has supported this subject for candidates in the past for our alternative certification programs, I cannot confirm that will be the case for this year. Please be in touch with the Enrollment team for university assignment updates.
What my class schedule looks like:
What my classroom looks like:
What my schedule looks like:
*AIS- academic intervention services
Why the Teaching Collaborative is the right choice for all teachers:
NYCTC gives you the opportunity to enter the classroom at a time when education is changing and developing. This is an exciting time that needs creative, educated, and well-prepared educators to make real change! NYCTC will set you up to be successful from day one with your students. There is an amazing support network for partner teachers along the way and an emphasis on practice to ensure you are growing and developing quickly to meet the needs of your students. The NYC DOE and NYCTC are dedicated to ensuring that their workforce has all the resources they need to best support students in classrooms throughout our city.
Eligibility Requirements
Bachelor's degree in any subject area
12 or more science credits in Biology coursework (with a grade of C or higher in each undergraduate course and B- or higher in each graduate course).
Candidates who receive offers to NYC Department of Education alternative certification programs will have their transcripts evaluated by their university (after enrollment) to determine if they have a sufficient mix of liberal arts coursework to meet New York State requirements; some candidates may be required to take additional coursework to earn their Initial Certification. This coursework will be at their own expense . Universities typically evaluate transcripts for liberal arts credits across the following disciplines: Artistic Expression, English, Foreign Language, Humanities, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science/History.
Certification and Testing Requirements
Upon completion of university coursework and deficit credits, candidates will be eligible to receive New York State Initial Certification to teach Biology at the level of Adolescent Education (Grades 7-12). Successful completion of your master's degree will lead to a Master of Science for Teachers Program: Adolescent Education Biology Grades 7 – 12. (Certifications are not interchangeable, meaning you will only be certified to teach in your assigned core science subject.)
While you complete your master’s degree coursework, you will work in your full-time NYC DOE school position under a Transitional B certificate issued by New York State. The Transitional B certificate is valid for up to three years on the condition that you remain in good standing in your NYC DOE alternative certification program. To be eligible for this Transitional B certificate, you will need to take and pass the two certification exams listed below:
NOTE: Biology Immersion candidates are required to fulfill the New York state requirement of 30 credit hours of science college coursework. This science coursework will occur concurrently with the education coursework needed to complete the master's degree requirements. Six credits of science coursework will be paid for by the NYC Department of Education. The cost of all additional science coursework credits will be the responsibility of the candidate and not the NYC DOE.
To determine how many credit hours you will be required to complete, use the following formula -
(30 credits) - (number of science credits earned to date) - (6 credits earned in Biology Immersion)
Your university will help you determine the most efficient and cost-effective way to earn these deficit credits.
Where can I secure a job?
As a Biology candidate, you can accept a position in Biology Grades 7-12 or General Science grades 7 and 8.
Helpful links and resources
Engage NY Common Core Science Standards
New York State P-12 Science Learning Standards, adopted 2016
WeTeach NY Science Scope and Sequence
NY Next Generation Science Standards
The Science Council of New York City
Science Teachers Association of New York State- NYC Section
New York Biology Teachers Association
New York State Marine Education Association
Hey Science Teachers, Make it Fun!
Whole-Brain Teaching: Middle School Science
Teaching Science and Writing in the Classroom
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Teaching Science
How They Are Livening Up Science Teaching in Japan
Teaching Science Through Cooking