Special Education (Students with Disabilities) Opportunities in the New York City Department of Education
- Bilingual Special Education Teacher (must also have a bilingual extension)
- District 75: What might a 12:1:4 teacher do?
- District 75: What might a 12:1:1 teacher do?
- District 75: What might an 8:1:1 teacher do?
- District 75: What might a 6:1:1 teacher do?
- District 75: What does a sample schedule look like for a self-contained teacher (6:1:1; 8:1:1; 12:1:1; 12:1:4) in the NYC DOE?
- SETTS (Special Education Teacher Support Services) aka resource room
- Self-Contained Teacher
- ICT (Integrated Co-Teaching) Position
- What roles are teachers with a Students with Disabilities certificate eligible for?