Since our program begins before the last day of the school year, we have been working with the NYCDOE Leaves office to best support you through your transition to the New York City Teaching Collaborative program. Please continue reading below for more information about the options available to you.
If you have 1+ years of service as a paraprofessional:
If you have 1+ years of service as a Paraprofessional in the NYCDOE and enroll as a Partner Teacher, you may take an unpaid leave of absence from your position as a paraprofessional from your start date to the last day of the school year. You will receive all stipends over the course of training. This option allows you to maintain your status as a NYCDOE employee during pre-service training.
How you will apply for your leave of absence:
- If you have 3+ years of service as a paraprofessional, you will apply for leave via the Self Service Online Leave Application System (SOLAS).
- If you have 1+ years of service (but fewer than 3), you will receive specific instructions on how to apply for your leave after you enroll in our program.
Under this option, you would resign from your paraprofessional position to begin training via the Collaborative program in January. You will receive all stipends over the course of training.
Please note that a resignation from your paraprofessional position will result in a termination code in your NYCDOE service history.
Please note that if you have less than one year of service as a paraprofessional, you are not eligible to apply for a leave of absence.