Of course! We welcome returning applicants to reapply to our program. We will ask in the online application whether you have applied previously. Your answer to this question will in no way impact the screening of your application.
Articles in this section
- What are the eligibility requirements to apply to the program?
- If I have previous teaching experience or prior education coursework, should I apply to the NYC Teaching Collaborative program?
- Is there a minimum GPA required to apply to the program?
- Can I complete additional coursework to increase my GPA?
- I received a message stating I am not eligible to apply to the NYC Teaching Collaborative. Why am I not eligible?
- My application was marked as ineligible because I completed a teacher preparation program. What are my next steps?
- I am in the process of earning my bachelor's degree. When should I apply?
- I am a paraprofessional. Am I eligible to apply?
- I am certified in another state. Can I apply?
- I have an expired teaching certification. Am I eligible to apply?