Most likely not, but this will be determined on a case by case basis after you are assigned to a university and submit your transcripts to your university on your first day. Your university will be your points of contact for any transcript credit review inquiries and decisions. Please refrain from contacting universities until you are provided with guidance from the Enrollment team on when and how to reach out (note that this will not be until late December at the earliest).
Articles in this section
- When will I receive my university application?
- Will my prior graduate coursework transfer into my master's degree through this program?
- Can I choose my own university to attend for my master's degree coursework through the Collaborative program?
- NYCTC 2024 University Assignments
- How are Partner Teachers assigned a university for their master's degree?
- How much does the master's degree program cost?
- What do I need to enroll in my university?
- Can I transfer to another university?
- Will I need to take additional coursework on top of my Masters’ degree?
- I am military veteran. Can I use the GI Bill to cover the cost of my master's degree?