Once the window to appeal your subject area and university has closed (this will be in early December) you cannot change universities. We know that this is an important decision, and give ample time to participants to submit subject area and university appeals. Please know that after the deadline the program specifies in early December, you will be unable to change your university for the duration of your graduate coursework. Below are some scenarios where your university placement might change:
Submitting a Subject Area Appeal
If you are unsatisfied with your subject area assignment and the university hosting your subject area presents a conflict, you can submit a subject area appeal for another subject. Please note that submitting a subject area appeal does not guarantee a switch as it all depends if you meet the eligibility criteria for the other subject area and if there is space. Subject area appeals will only be considered for those who have an offer to join the New York City Teaching Collaborative or have already enrolled.
If your subject area is only being hosted at one partner site
You can only pursue certification at your dedicated university site because it is the only partner hosting that subject area.
If your subject area is being hosted at multiple partner sites
If you subject area is being hosted at multiple university partner sites, prior to final university placement, you will be provided with a survey to capture your location preference. This does not guarantee that your location preference will be granted as we have a finite number of spaces available at each university.
Final University Placement
Once you are assigned to your university after the appeals period closes, you are committed to attending your assigned university for the duration of your graduate coursework.