First, create a TEACH account to view the status of your fingerprint application and any clearance requests on file with NYSED.
Please note that if you do not create a TEACH account prior to being fingerprinted by IdentiGo, your fingerprints will not be sent to New York State via the OSPRA 104 form.
Go to TEACH and create an account by following these self-registering instructions linked here. Log-in to TEACH by entering your username and password you have just created and complete your applicant profile information.
Second, receive your automated email from Applicant Gateway, activate your account, and log in. As indicated by the Applicant Gateway system, you will need to fill out and electronically submit the following forms:
- Background Questionnaire
- Emergency Contact Information
- Fingerprint Referral Form
- OSPRA 104- You will need to download and complete the OSPRA 104 form to send your fingerprints from New York City to New York State. In order for your fingerprints to be on file with New York State, you must have a TEACH account set up prior to being fingerprinted by IdentiGO. If you submit the OSPRA 104 form without having set up a TEACH account, your fingerprints will NOT be on file with the state. If your fingerprints are not on file with New York State, you will need to be fingerprinted by the NYC Department of Education. Schedule a fingerprinting appointment with the fingerprinting vendor IdentoGO using the NYC DOE Service Code, which can be found in the "Finger Printing Instruction Sheet" in Applicant Gateway.
Third, check your applicant gateway account in 48 hours, and if all items are marked complete. LOG BACK into your Applicant Gateway Account, navigate to the Roster Evaluate nomination, and click on the status hyperlink to access the below image. Once all items are marked COMPLETE, you may upload a screenshot to Teacher Track.