You will not need to be fingerprinted again or pay the fingerprinting fee. However, you may incur a $20 fee to process your OSPRA 103 form, which shares your fingerprinting record from NY State to NYC.
Follow the steps below to ensure that your prints are released from the NYSED to NYCDOE. You will know if you fall into this category because your status in your Applicant Gateway email next to fingerprinting will read “processing.”
First, Check your TEACH account to view the status of your fingerprint application and any clearance requests on file with NYSED.
Second, Receive your automated email from Applicant Gateway, activate your account and log in. As indicated by the Applicant Gateway system, you will need to fill out and electronically submit the following forms:
- Background Questionnaire
- Emergency Contact Information
- OSPRA 103 Form (Request from the State to release your prints to the City) Please fill out the OSPRA 103 form and upload it to the HR Connect Web Portal
**If you are a paraprofessional or other DOE employee, you may have an existing Applicant Gateway account. You must wait to receive the automated email from Applicant Gateway confirming your nomination as an NYC Teaching Collaborative Partner Teacher before you are able to log in to your new Applicant Gateway portal and complete the required forms. Your email will go to your NYC DOE account.**
**You will know if you fall into this category if the status next to fingerprinting reads “Processing”
Third, Once you have completed the required electronic forms, upload them to the HR Connect Web Portal
NOTE: You will not receive an email when you have cleared this process; you must LOG BACK IN to your Applicant Gateway Account, navigate to the Roster Evaluate nomination, and click on the status hyperlink to access the image below.
***If you have been previously employed by a charter school fingerprinted by the New York City Charter Center, your fingerprints will not necessarily carry over. Please double-check your TEACH account to ensure that you indeed have your prints on file with New York State***